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  • Writer's pictureKourtney

How to Utilize Macronutrient Awareness Without Strictly Tracking

Oftentimes, the concept of tracking macronutrients can be overwhelming at first. For those especially who do not even know which food even contain carbs, it can be even more daunting. On the other hand, there are those who know how to track macronutrients, but they reach a place of overwhelm where tracking is no longer fun, but instead a chore.

If you're in the first or second category, or somewhere in-between, this article is for you. Many times, people ask if I track, and the answer is that no, I don't anymore. I have enough awareness after years of being in this field, as do many others like me. I do however have insight into how you can stay on track with fueling your body without feeling like macro tracking is a second job. Introducing: the measuring cup method.

All you need for this method are two measuring cups: a 1 cup and a 3/4 cup. For the quick and easy details, read below!

To help you understand how you can pair snacks together without strictly tracking, read below:

I hope that this is helpful for you who want to stay on track without causing stress or overwhelm. After you use this method for a while, your eyes will most likely be able to estimate a close comparison if you are placing food on your plate. If you need more macronutrient education, check out the Health Foundations Roadmap!

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