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  • Writer's pictureKourtney

4 Herbs For The Postpartum Mother

Postpartum is a time where surging hormones quickly plummet as they try to regulate to the new normal of the baby on the outside now. Add in the sleep deprivation, wide range of emotions as you try to adjust with this new addition, and not to mention your body is trying to heal. Herbal supplements can be a great way to nourish your body and support the healing process that takes place. Below I will highlight four herbal supplements you can add to your regimen as a daily tea.

Nettle leaf is full of various vitamins and minerals sure to nourish the newly postpartum mom. While nettle has many benefits, to name a few, it supports a healthy digestive system, strengthens the kidneys and adrenal glands, and supports a healthy milk supply. The green chlorophyll can help create rich blood for the new mother which may help reduce risk of hemorrhaging.

Red Raspberry Leaf is very supportive to the female uterus as it can help strengthen uterine and pelvic muscles and also strengthen smooth tissues due to its astringent properties. I like to think of RRL as pushups for your uterus. Red raspberry leaf may also help with wound healing which is an added bonus as a postpartum mama.

Motherwort can help relieve feelings of stress, depression, and overwhelm due to its calming effects without being overly sedative. The active components to Motherwort can help keep hormones balanced. This herb supports the uterus as it contracts back down. It may help ease afterbirth contraction pain. Motherwort is like a big hug in a cup!

Contraindications: Avoid taking Motherwort in addition to sedatives. If breastfeeding, consult physician before use.

Chamomile is a nervine herb and ancient remedy used to for depression, and menstrual problems in women. Chamomile can support sleep quality in the mother and ease restlessness by easing tension and achiness in the body. This herbal supplement is very calming.

Whether you choose to add one or all of these herbs to a nourishing tea, below is a guide for directions on making the tea:

Boil 8 oz of water and pour into mug

Infuse 1-2 tsp. of herbs single or combined and let steep for 10-15 minutes

Optional: Add local raw honey to taste

Herbal Profile:

Nettle: Calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, and B vitamins.

Red Raspberry Leaf: Calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, vitamin C, iron, and B vitamins, and antioxidant properties.

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