
Q&A - Answers April 15th

Hey everyone, in honor of Good Friday, the answers are shared below in text form instead of a video being recorded. I hope these answers are helpful, and I hope you have a wonderful Easter Weekend.

I’m looking at a supplement called boost by Tranot, can you look at the ingredients and let me know if it’s a good product?

Hey there! I am not sure why you are specifically interested in this product, but I did see on the site that there was a mention of this supplement being targeted at boosting nitrous oxide within the body. While these ingredients can do that, we also don’t know exactly how all of these ingredients could possibly interact within the body. I typically do not suggest blended supplements, unless it happens to be a small variety blend option - such as an adaptogenic blend (if that were needed) that would contain ashwagandha, holy basil, and lemon balm, for example. If you are looking to boost nitrous oxide, you might want to consider using tart cherry juice, and then a low dose l-arginine in addition to this. This limited approach can help you identify what might be working for you, while also taking a more cautious approach - and probably saving a lot of money as a bonus.

I've recently been learning about endocrine disruptors in products like lotion, perfume and candles. I LOVE smelling good and lighting candles to wind down, but don't want to use anything that might mess with my hormones as a PCOS girl. Any specific brands you'd recommend for lotions/perfumes/candles that don't have any disruptors in them?

Hey! So glad that you asked about this. I do have a few posts of this, linked here:

https://www.worthywomanhood.com/post/are-toxic-candles-harming-your-health (Lite + Cycle has my favorite candles!)

https://www.worthywomanhood.com/post/non-toxic-hair-care (Under Luna is great)

And for makeup, I love 100% Pure and Kossas. I will share promo codes soon! :)

Hi! I am in the process of my wellness journey and finding your portal amazing! I want to book a doctors appointment and run any tests I need to to better understand my body. I have PCOS, adhd, bipolar, and chronic fatigue.

Hi, welcome! So glad you are here! So while lab tests at your doctor will be more limited than what functional testing offers (that’s what I do), you can of course still get a few good markers. Fasted glucose, TSH, free T3, free T4, TPO antibodies, testosterone, free testosterone, progesterone (after day 20 in your cycle if you are not on the pill), electrolytes, CBC and a basic metabolic panel is a great starting point. If you want to dive deeper, look into functional labs via a group program or through 1:1 support with me! You can find more information at kalemekourt.com - welcome to Worthy Womanhood, hoping this membership helps you a ton.

Hey, I am wondering if you can suggest any foods for morning sickness? I'm 8 weeks pregnant today and really struggling.

Hi, congrats but SO sorry you aren’t feeling well. Balancing blood sugar is going to be so important. Easy proteins to add in include whey and collagen, as you might not have an appetite for more savory animal proteins. Cheese, milk, yogurt, and carbs like bagels, bananas, healthy crackers, rice, fruit, and low-acid juices can be good options, too. Many of my first trimester clients enjoy this recipe I have shared with them: 8 oz. organic milk, 10 grams of cane sugar (to make the taste more mild + easier to drink), 15 grams of collagen, and cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice. This can be great to drink upon waking, and before going to bed.

Hi Kourt! What’s your favorite road trip snack? Going to Florida next week and wanting to know if there’s one ideal snack I could take. Thanks!

Hey! My favorite snack will probably always be dried mango and dried spicy biltong jerky. It’s a great combo! If you don’t like spicy, try the regular - and if you don’t like mango, dried pineapple or freeze dried strawberries are equally delicious. Have fun in Florida!