
Nourishing Snack Staples + My Recent Smoothie Go-To Recipe

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

One of the main things I emphasize for women is the importance of eating enough calories and snacking frequently to support stable blood sugar and a supported metabolism overall (thyroid, adrenals, brain, ovaries, liver).

Many of you have shared that having more snack ideas would be so helpful for you, so I am delivering on some healthy snacking foundations!

Choose one protein:

- Bone broth (bonfires provisions or homemade) + 1 tsp. coconut oil

- Greek yogurt (2% fat)

- Hardboiled eggs (try duck eggs if you have a chicken egg allergy)

- Quality jerky (like Epic or Chomps)

- Lunch meat (I like Applegate)

- Rotisserie chicken (try to find organic if you can)

- Cheese (raw, parmesan or goat cheese)

- Canned tuna with avocado oil mayo (Chosen Foods Brand)

Choose one carb:

- Fruit, like strawberries, mango, pineapple, cherries, dates, pears, etc.

- Root veggies, like carrots or sweet potato

- Easy to eat raw veggies, like celery or tomato (great with tuna)

- + 1 tsp. maple syrup for yogurt, fruit

- Siete cassava chips

- Sprouted sourdough (only if you tolerate gluten)

Some of my favorite combinations:

- Hardboiled eggs + oranges

- Bone broth + raw carrots

- Yogurt + berries + maple syrup

- Tuna + mayo (plus celery and tomato!) on sourdough

- Lunchmeat, parmesan + a pear

If you have extra time (and want an extra refreshing option), opt for a smoothie! Check out my smoothie formula here.

Recently, my favorite smoothie has been the following (pictured in the cover photo for this post!)


- 1 cup greek yogurt

- 1/2 tart cheeries

- 1/2 frozen banana

- 20 grams collagen

- 1 tsp. MCT oil

- 1 tsp. chia seeds

- Ice

- 1 tbsp. water - 1/8 cup depending upon consistency desired

Blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Remember, snacks can be simple. Even if you can only eat a little bit of dinner leftovers from the night before, it's important to get food in your system when you feel your blood sugar dropping. For more snack ideas, check out the recipe archive!