
Three Herbal Drinks to Support GI + Stomach Health

Although not often discussed in a public setting, the truth is that many, many women struggle with gut health and upset stomachs. Below are three of my favorite options to soothe a stressed GI system - my favorite being the marshmallow and ginger calming infusion. Enjoy!

Iced Peach Turmeric and Peppermint Inflam-reduce Tea

Ingredients/steps: 1 tsp. ground turmeric and 2 tbsp. organic peppermint leaves, placed in organic tea bag (can be found online or at health food stores), and steeped in 6 oz. hot purified water for 6 minutes, allow to cool and enjoy + pour over ice, add 1/4 cup pureed peach, and (optional) fresh peppermint leaves

Marshmallow and Ginger Calming Milk Infusion

Ingredients/steps: 2 tbsp. marshmallow root and 1 tbsp. ginger root (dried or fresh), placed in organic tea bag, steeped in 6 oz. organic milk (or water) for 6 minutes, allow to cool and enjoy hot, add a small amount of honey (around 1 tsp.) if desired (optional: add collagen peptides for extra protein)

Aloe and Pineapple Digest-Support Tea

Ingredients/steps: combine 1 tbsp. Lakewood aloe, and 1 cup pineapple juice, pour over ice and enjoy before a difficult-to-digest meal, or after a meal that did not set well with your stomach (swap: if you are not a fan of pineapple, papaya is similar with enzyme content and is a great alternative)