
The Power of Adaptogenic/Medicinal Mushrooms

Adaptogenic mushrooms are one of my favorite things to use in my practice. Adaptogenic mushrooms are specific varieties of fungi that can be used to support hormonal function, improve immunity, and reduce stress.

Adaptogens are natural medicinal substances that normalize bodily processes and can reduce the burden of physiological stress. They are beneficial in numerous ways and can be used as part of a care plan to improve various conditions. Here are some of the most common adaptogenic mushrooms and their benefits.

Reishi - balancing stress hormones (cortisol & adrenaline), supporting cardiovascular health by managing blood pressure and cholesterol, anxiety reduction, immune support, and improved focus/cognition
Cordyceps - improving endurance, enhancing recovery, supporting cardiovascular and respiratory health, and raising energy levels
Chaga - aiding in the production of antioxidants, and immune support, increasing stamina and energy levels, reducing inflammation, and strengthening the hair, skin, and nails
Turkey tail - gut health, immune support, inflammation management, longevity, and overall health support
Lion's mane - supports brain health by improving mood, creativity, memory, and focus, and stimulates NGF (nerve growth factor) to promote the function and growth of nerve cells

If you want to add these medicinal mushrooms to your diet, I recommend checking out Om Mushrooms. There, you will find specific dosing recommendations and ways to incorporate them into your daily routine! You can find the link to their website here.