
Self Care Tips for Pregnancy

5 Self Care Tips That Will Make a Difference in Your Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a lot of focus is placed on the growing baby inside, rightfully so! Focusing on yourself is equally as important and will benefit both you and the baby. A good self-care routine is one that focuses on physical health as well as emotional/mental health. It is a good habit to get into before the baby comes so that it becomes priority even after the baby has arrived. I’m going to share with you, five tips to thrive in your health when it comes to self care.

1. Prioritize sleep

Due to the changes happening in your body and providing for the needs of the baby’s developing body, sleep may become challenging during pregnancy. Prioritizing sleep means you are focusing not only quantity but also quality. If you feel you need a midday nap, allow yourself to take the time to do so!

Here are ideas and tips to prioritize sleep:

- Try to get roughly 8-9 hours each night

- Avoid screens a couple hours before bedtime

- Pick a wind down activity before bed - bath or reading for example

- Get comfortable by trying a body pillow to hold on to

- Add in your favorite night time tea

- Utilize essential oils like lavender on your pillow

2. Record your feelings

It is well known that the hormonal changes may bring on varying emotions. Being aware of your emotions can help bring awareness to how you’re feeling and help you manage stress and emotions. When you’re aware of your emotions and feelings, you can recognize what your needs are, which negative or harmful emotions need truth applied or healing, and bring to light the positive emotions you’re feeling so that you can focus on those. What you think and feel begins to influence how you perceive the world around you so taking them captive and recognizing which ones are life giving and which aren’t will go a long way in your mental health journey. An idea to record your feelings is to keep a journal and write them down.

3. Communicate your needs

As you focus on recognizing your emotions, you’ll be better able to ask for help when needed. Find a community of like-minded people in similar seasons that encourage, support, and help one another. Another aspect to this is if you have a spouse, communicating your needs to him whether emotional or physical needs. Asking for, and accepting help is not an easy task but will pay off in the long run for you and those on this journey with you. Be honest with yourself about your needs and boundaries as well. Pregnancy is a unique season and you may not be able to do all of the things you were previously doing, give yourself grace in that and welcome help and rest when needed.

4. Start or maintain your workout routine

If you haven’t started a workout routine yet, it’s not too late! Start slow with some movement as well as light/moderate resistance training. Staying active during pregnancy helps with mental health, fluid retention, better sleep, better energy, reduces the aches and pains of pregnancy, reduces common discomforts of pregnancy, helps prepare your body and pelvic floor for delivery, and much more.

If you have any questions or concerns about what is safe during pregnancy be sure to ask your OB or midwife.

5. Prioritize nutrition and hydration

The benefits to prioritizing nutrition and hydration during pregnancy are endless and will impact both your mental and physical health. Focus on eating wholesome, nourishing foods paying mind to macronutrients as well as micronutrients to ensure proper nutrients being delivered to both you and the baby.

Ensuring you are staying properly hydrated during pregnancy decreases constipation, reduces swelling, helps maintain skin elasticity, and helps your body absorb nutrients, just to name a few benefits. Grab a water bottle that will help you drink more water and keep it close by during the day!

Take time to focus on yourself during pregnancy. This is a time when your body needs a little extra support and by adding in some of these selfcare tips as well as your own will help you support your body and the growing baby. Be honest with how you are feeling mentally and physically and put things in place to ensure you are thriving in your health.

Remember to approve all self care changes with your doctor. If you need more support in your pre-pregnancy journey, join a Kale Me Kourt Group! For more details, check out kalemekourt.com/group