
Post Birth Control Steps (Nutrition + Supplementation Tips)

So often, a question I get is, "What can I do to help my body heal post birth control?" Hormonal birth control can take a major told on the health of women in many different ways, but some of the main ways include: negatively impacting gut health, creating estrogen dominance, nutrient depletion, and contributing to anxiety and depression. Oftentimes, I also see women struggle to get their periods back post-pill due to the fact that ovulation has been suppressed for so long. In order to have a real period, you must be ovulating. Remember that a "pill bleed" is not a true period, but instead a bleed that happens due to hormonal withdrawal.

Step 1: Love Your Gut

Hormonal birth control has a negative impact on the gut due to it's impact on the gut microbiome and estrogen metabolism. For many, it can even be the main cause of SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. If you do have SIBO, you will need to work with a practitioner for guidance, but if you are only noticing slight discomfort, here are some helpful tips that might help you.

- add a spore based probiotic, like Just Thrive (use code KALEMEKOURT15 to save)

- try aloe vera juice at night

- try a raw carrot salad to aid in digestion

- try the probiotic yeast saccharomyces boulardii

Step 2: Restore Your Minerals

An HTMA (hair mineral analysis) will give you the most insight into your mineral status, but even without that, you can begin taking steps towards restoring mineral balance post pill. We know that the pill depletes magnesium, copper and zinc, so adding in a high quality magnesium (to find one for you, click here) oysters, kidney and whole food vitamin C will be a few great steps to take. This might not get you 100% there, but you should start noticing improvement within three months of implementing these nutrients.

Step 3: Balance Blood Sugar

By balancing your blood sugar, you will greatly reduce stress and increase your odds of having your cycle return on it's own post pill. Eating at least 120 grams of protein a day (and yes, having protein at every meal!) and trying something like inositol (which also supports liver health) to support glucose responses will help a lot as well. Having an early bed time, snacking regularly, and keeping an eye on stress will also support stable blood sugar. As a bonus tip, try adding cinnamon to anything sweet that you eat to further support stable blood sugar.

Step 4: Support Your Liver

Liver support is key post pill, due to the burden that the liver takes on because of the pill. Castor oil packs, coffee enemas, milk thistle, Oregon grape root, NAC, and dandelion root are all very, very helpful for helping the liver get rid of excess estrogen and overcome the stress that it has been under.

For all things non-hormonal birth control, check out the Fertility Awareness Method.