
Milk+ Honey Iced Latte

There has rarely been a food duo more iconic and delicious than milk and honey - and if you're as much of a fan as I am, you will love this super simple recipe below. If you want to get extra creative, you could even freeze cold brew ice cubes to use instead of ice cubes made out of water (this is simple, just pour coffee into a tray and freeze). To learn how to make this milk + honey latte, read below!


- 1 cup of milk

- 6 oz. cold brew coffee

- 2 tsp. raw, local honey

- 1 tsp. vanilla extract

- Optional: collagen peptides (20 grams)


Combine milk, vanilla, honey and (optional) collagen in a glass and stir. Pour cold brew to the cup. add ice cubes, and enjoy! See, I told you that it was simple. Enjoy!