
January 29th Q&A

  1. Could you share you share some natural acid reflux remedies or supplements? I’ve heard fermented foods and apple cider vinegar is good, but wanted to know if there was anything you recommend!

  2. I was wondering if there is a certain amount of calories or macros a woman needs daily. I just want to make sure I am not over or undereating. Really trying to focus on hormone health while also hoping to lose some stress weight.

  3. thoughts on dysport/Botox?

  4. Hi, I would love to ask about lectin sensitivity! If you have seen this with your clients and any helpful info around healing and staying away from lectins

  5. I would love to know your thoughts on using a quality essential oils and if you think that they do have a lot of positive affects on the body! I personally love using them but I know there are so many misconceptions.

  6. Thoughts on smooth move tea?

  7. I have been struggling with painful post meal hiccups that I believe may actually be caused by mild silent acid reflux. Do you have any suggestions to prevent this and is this a gut issue that can be largely healed?

  8. would you have similar recommendations for hypothyroid/Hashimoto's caused by pituitary or hypothalamus disorders/dysfunction? feeling lost as I try and figure out the root of my issues. TSH dropped dramatically from last year (2.13 to 1.38 while FT4 remained low at 1.01 to 0.98 and FT3 being 1.01) and antibodies went up (47 to 58)...looking online has me wondering if secondary hypothyroid would be treated similarly?

  9. I have PCOS and got my blood tested. All my numbers were in the normal range (testosterone, AMH, prolactin, thyroid, DHEAS). I also am a healthy weight. My ha1c was 5.4. The doctor said this is “high average” and recommended metformin. Is this ha1c okay? Would you suggest metformin in this case? If not, what would you recommend?

  10. Not a question, a suggestion for content on WW. Would love to see more nervous system regulation tips + tips on actually healing trauma!

  11. Tips to pairing different carbs (fructose verse starch)? For example if I have Greek yogurt with collagen, honey, & jam and also a glass of OJ even though my carb: protein ratio is 2:1 I still feel shaky and “off”, versus if I have eggs, toast, OJ I feel fine and carb: protein ratio is still 2:1.