
How to Save Money During Your Health Journey

Most material things in life cost something. From clothes to groceries, a phone, a car, and beyond - there is typically an exchange of some sort. When it comes to healing from illness or conditions (even acne, PCOS, a thyroid condition, or so on), there is typically a cost involved.

It's possible to spend a lot in your wellness journey, but it's also possible to minimize cost and focus on what you can do instead of the financial roadblocks that might be at hand.

To help you implement these steps well, I have kept the "actionable" steps very simple:

Focus on these free or affordable options:

- going to sleep as early as you can (before ten at night is best) and sleeping 7-9 hours, depending on what your body needs

- taking time daily to journal, breather deeply, stretch, and express gratitude daily (doing this signals healing pathways in the brain - all of this is "free medicine" in my view)

- removing ingredients that do not serve the body well (full resource is here)

Focus on foods in their whole form, and avoid even packaged healthy food, as the cost is much higher (if you are on a tight budget, wholesale grocery stores that sell lower-cost goods or bulk items, vs. specialty markets will be a money-saving option. If you are in the US, this means choosing Aldi over Whole Foods, for example.)

- aim to spend time in nature, limit social media and other entertainment, and if you have the energy, work out at least 3 times a week for half an hour

When you spend money on your health, prioritize:

- professional help when you need it - I know that it can be a stretch to invest when needed the most, but we all cannot be an expert in everything. Even in my practice, I have seen clients save up to work with me, and then when they do, the results they see in the first few weeks far surpass what they have seen in years of trying on their own. For whatever you need help most in - nutrition, mental health (therapy, for example), chiropractic care, doula services, pelvic floor therapy - I suggest making this a priority over supplements, testing, courses, fancy health food, and so on. You'll save time and money in the end, and if you work with a skilled provider, the return on your investment will most likely help you make up the cost in no time.

- supplements that are the right fit for you! Not everyone needs to be taking the same supplements, but when something is a good fit for you, I suggest taking it and prioritizing it's place within your budget. For me, I prioritize beef kidney, nettle and inositol above everything else. Your needs probably look different from mine, so whatever helps you the most, I suggest that these come before any "new"/exciting supplement shared about on Instagram.

- high quality protein and organic veggies (when possible) are great things to prioritize if you can. Even regular organic eggs (which are less than pastured eggs) are a great choice compared to the lowest quality eggs. Grass-fed beef when possible, organic dairy when possible, and organic produce from the current "Dirty Dozen" list are also worth focusing on. Shop around at local grocery stores, and find which ones offer the lowest prices. To keep costs low, focus on meal prepping and eating within a window of variety (and not being too broad with food choices). It's also a great idea to buy enough food at once to last about a week and a half, so you don't come home to an empty fridge and feel the need to order take out - which is expensive and of lower quality than what you will typically find in grocery stores.

If you are on a budget, these things will not be worth the money (for most, if not all people):

- bio-hacking devices, like a sauna - although very beneficial, it's possible to get similar benefits from sweating through a workout, for example.

- expensive air filters or costly water filters, unless your quality of air and water is terrible. For inexpensive, purified water on a budget, I suggest refilling water containers with reverse osmosis at a local grocery store or market.

- buying everything organic or buying many expensive supplements just to "try them out" - many people do this in hopes of avoiding the need to work with someone (like a doctor or a nutritional practitioner) - but I guarantee you that random supplementation is a waste of money, and eating fully organic alone is not enough to heal your body. Trying your best to get as many quality groceries as you can afford, sticking to supplements that work for you, and investing when needed is a better approach.

One philosophy I embody personally is that I get my investment back tenfold when I invest in my health. Whether this has been through working with a practitioner in the past (which helped me save a ton of time + feel better much faster), buying supplements, and buying nourishing food; each dollar spent has returned to me in the form of energy and the ability to work instead of spending entire days out of commission due to feeling unwell. While being healthy has a cost, the cost of not investing in your health might be much more than the former.