
February 28th Q&A Coaching

  1. Steps on how to increase bio available copper/optimize copper? I couldn’t find a post on it, so a post would be amazing too!

  2. On the 2/24 q&a I think you skipped a couple questions (5&6). One of them was mine… Any tips to help not clench or grind teeth? I notice not only do I wake up with a tight and sore jaw in the morning but I also clench during the day especially at work. If it’s connected to stress how do i stop this habit?

  3. For blood work for PCOS, hypothyroidism, and HbA1c be tested on a specific day of our cycle? In other words, do these numbers fluctuate throughout the monthly cycle and is there a more accurate day to get them checked?

  4. Hi, my friend experienced a miscarriage recently and bled for about two weeks. Her hcg levels went back down to basically zero. Two weeks later, her first cycle post-miscarriage started, and it has been going for four weeks and is getting heavier with clots. She has seen several doctors who have been largely unhelpful, saying it's within the range of normal and suggested she go on birth control to stop the bleeding. Do you have any ideas on what could be happening hormonally? Thanks!

  5. I understand there isn’t much known regarding safety of essential oils. Although I don’t actively use them, I find they are often in natural alternatives such as shampoo, candles and cleaning products. What are your thoughts on using them in this manner? I try to avoid them in products which I will be exposed to in a higher quantity (such as body lotion), but not sure if I should try to avoid them as much as possible overall? Finding it hard when trying to stick to more natural alternatives!

  6. Can you talk more about taking adrenal/ stress supplements? Can they help in the long term with a combination of therapies?

  7. How do you know if a probiotic is helping? If you get a rosacea looking skin reaction what would you say? Is that SIBO related?

  8. Can consuming lactose-free dairy products eventually hinder your ability to digest dairy if you aren’t really lactose -free?

  9. Any good aloe recommendations?

  10. How do you know if you ovulated?

  11. Are blood thyroid tests accurate?