
December 17th Q&A Coaching

1.Hey my question for the week is for a friend. She eats vegan and has been having horrible GERD. The doc put her on pantaloc for two weeks just to help her get some relief. She knows this is not a solution and would like to find one.

2. What are your thoughts on the papaya after meal supplement?

3. Hi Kourtney, Thank you so much for everything you do for us! Covid hit me like a ton of bricks a couple weeks ago, and while most of my symptoms are better, I am dealing with crippling fatigue and my taste is not back to normal. Do you have any advice for how to recover from the lingering effects of covid?

4. I started developing some cysts in my breasts almost 10yrs ago. I've been off and on with consuming caffeine during that time, but have more recently started having coffee (mostly decaf) more frequently now because of the metabolism benefits etc. Have you ever heard to reduce caffeine intake to not aggravate the cysts? I feel like sometimes they are more sensitive but not sure if that's just monthly hormonal changes or because I'm consuming more caffeine. What's your take on that?

5. If someone has a tendency for SIBO, maybe anatomical - would you recommend they limit or be watchful of not consuming too much high FODMAP foods?

6. Any advice for dealing with an MTHFR mutation?