
December 10th Q&A Coaching

1. I have blood sugar problems and i had gotten it under control until i was hit with A LOT of stress. I was thinking about when I was vegan and how I had no blood sugar problems when I was vegan. Do you think I may need to eat more carbs/veggies than protein? For an example adjust my plate where theres a bigger portion of carbs/veggies than protein? Just a thought and I would love to hear your opinion.

2. What are your top recommendations to heal a leaky gut?

3. What should I focus on in supporting my body as I anticipate taking methotrexate to treat an ectopic pregnancy? I hate that option and worry about the lingering impact/imbalance in my body.

4. Any tips for resolving dysbiosis?

5. Hi Kourtney! I’m 6 weeks postpartum (and currently breastfeeding) and I’m craving dairy and whole milk all day long. I also craved that all through pregnancy! What does that potentially say about my current nutritional needs? Is it bad to consume so much fat every day?

6. I hear a lot about the connection between PCOS and hypothyroidism but what about an overactive thyroid? Apparently my T3 is a little on the higher end of "normal" which is surprising to me because I have a hard time loosing weight and am tired all the time. Why could this be happening?

7. The past 6 months I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of prometabolic/root cause lifestyle. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours worth of podcasts and YouTube videos. I’ve read books on the topic and tons research by Morley Robbins and Ray Peat. I’ve spent countless hours doing my own research and learning from all kinds of prometabolic experts on Instagram. And now I feel like I have a bit of information overload. I feel somewhat overwhelmed with the need to do ALL THE THINGS 😂 and also a lot of conflicting advice from different experts. Any advice on how to trust my own intuition and God vs having health anxiety and overwhelm trying to figure it all out on my own?

8. Just saw your post on home hunting. We bought a home built in the 50s 6 months ago. The basement had a history of water damage when it rained, so much so, that the people who flipped the house installed a sump pump and a French drain. We got mold testing done during inspection and basement had very high counts of Aspergillus/Penicillium. They remediated the house and when they retested it was gone. We have had no issues with flooding since being here because of the French drain and we have a dehumidifier in the basement (however it still doesn’t get below 55 in the summertime). I love our home and need peace of mind because I do not want mold health issues

9. I’ve been taking my blood sugar throughout the day for a few weeks now and I’ve noticed I’m still not tolerating carbs well. My blood sugar shoots up well into the 200s after an adrenal cocktail. Are there any supplemental support that can help with larger carb means while still insulin resistant?

10. Would you be willing to share the supplements staples you personally take on daily, weekly basis?

11. Hi Kourtney! So I have had seasonal allergies for 13 years and gut issues for 10 years. I've been on my healing journey for almost 2.5 years now. I keep telling myself that it is gonna be a while until i am healed. Its been many years of things piling up on each other and i never knew where to start. I am just wondering what your opinion is on the people who have been suffering for awhile. I always see people are healed so quickly but its been a long time for me so I don't expect to heal that fast.