
August 9th Q&A Coaching

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

1. I have to take adderall to manage my adhd/stay focused while at work (I am a respiratory therapist) and in school. I noticed when I first began this prescription that after a couple of days of taking it consistently, my muscles would become really sore and achy. I found an article at the time that stated adderall depletes your body of magnesium. However, I have never come across this statement again and my psychiatrist has never heard of that claim. Do you know if this is true? And if so, should I be supplementing with even more magnesium than a normal dose to offset? :15

2. What is your opinion on pharmaceutical grade skincare? Especially on tretinoin/vitamin A and vitmamin C. Are they dangerous? Is pharm grade vitmain C really that much more effective than over the counter? 3:53

3. I have been taking a probiotic, acerola cherry powder, beef liver capsules, and magnesium to support my immune system. I have seen you talk about beef kidney. Should I do that instead of beef liver? I keep getting mouth ulcers. Added L- lysine and a B-12 supplement to try to keep those at bay. Any other suggestions? Also, my stress levels have been high! Working on keeping them down, but life circumstances make that hard. Any suggestions? Thanks for all you do! I love your resources. 6:11

4. Top tips for fertility/TTC? We tried for 6 months with no luck and decided to take a break to focus on our health. Came from an organic but pufa rich diet for years. Been pro-metabolic for 6 months but not hardcore. 8:18

5. I heard somewhere recently that donating blood can help with iron overload.. Is that true, are there benefits to donating blood? And if so, is there a certain time of my cycle that is better to do it? (I've always been nervous to because of blood sugar/feeling dizzy when I get blood drawn..) Thanks! :) 10:45

6. I got my HTMA results back and I have a fast 4 metabolism. I know this means my body burns through nutrients and minerals very quickly. How do you suggest supporting my body so it always has nutrients and minerals? Do I need to eat more frequently? 11:44

7. I recently read that it can be beneficial to drink a small amount of Chlorophyll in your water each day to support your detoxification systems. I have also read that it helps with estrogen production which is a concern to me as someone that deals with some estrogen dominance. I would love to know your thoughts on this! 13:31

8. What would be some reason for constant hunger? Gut? Or more blood sugar? 14:35

9. Best exercise for someone with a lot of inflammation and PCOS? 15:34

10. Best tips for nerve pain root cause and pain control? Not one conventional method has helped me. I’m at a loss. 16:46

11. Question for the week: I’ve had a lingering cold for almost 2 weeks (not COVID). After the few first days of fever, it hasn’t been enough to stop me from doing daily activities but it is causing low energy and a sore throat. What’s the best way to support my body when recovery is feeling so slow? 18:33

12. I want to have another baby and in a few months we will start trying. What can I do now to help prepare my body? 19:58