
August 24th Q&A Coaching

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

1. What advice do you have for someone going through menopause? My mama has been struggling with very low estrogen. Would maca help? :45

2. I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, hypothyroidism, borderline insulin resistance, and multiple gut issues. I’m working with a practitioner to repair those. I am desperate to stop the weight gain in the meantime but don’t want to cause more issues by going on a bad diet. What type of eating do you recommend for weight loss and nutritional support at the same time? Do you recommend intermittent fasting? 3:07

3. After lab work that all came back "normal", my dr wants to shrug my chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and everything else off as depression (which it's not!) and feed me antidepressants (which I don't want to take!). A nurse practitioner ordered additional bloodwork and I had hyaline casts in my urine and my ANA came back positive (1:40, speckled, nuclear) but since the quantitative panel came back "normal" he said it means nothing. But my NP says it does and wants to send me to a rheumatologist (that can't get me in until March haha).What would be your take on this? Is it worth pursuing further? When you see it with your clients is it reason to be concerned? What does it typically end up being? Is there anything else you'd recommend doing or testing?I just want to get my energy back and feel strong in the gym. It fhas been months since I have. 6:28

4. Hi Kourtney! If you were to get COVID while pregnant, what foods would you focus on eating? Are there any supplements you would make a priority? 10:24

5. Hello! Needing some advice about losing weight. I have tried a couple of years now to lose weight. I tired all the wrong things and some good things, but I am extremely hopeless. I have lost 5lbs and then gained it all back. Is there any advice you can give me? 12:32

6. Could you come off off prescription acid reflux pills/allergy pills cold turkey or do you need to go slowly? Trying to get to cleaner alternatives! Appreciate your thoughts. 13:18

7. Hey Kourt! I love love love these weekly Q&A’s! They have been so beneficial in getting great information for my health journey! So thankful for you, and this membership! I really want to start waking up earlier, but I know I won’t feel like cooking a big breakfast like I normally do at 5:45/6ish.. Would it be okay to still have coffee after something like yogurt and fruit, or a small “snack” breakfast, and then eat more later in the morning? Also do you have any easy-prep breakfast ideas? 15:24